Diameter D or length x width a x b of the transducer element. The size of the element strongly effects the shape of the transmitted sound field. Slight
deviations, e. g. imperfect shape or positions with reduced radiation due to poor bonding, cause considerable evaluation errors, even when
calibrated to a reference flaw!
We grind the elements to precise dimensions in order to guarantee narrow tolerances and do not, for example, break them from larger elements for
cost reasons.
The mean frequency of all probes of the same type. The frequency has a great influence on the evaluation of reflectors. Even the shape of the sound
field and the reflection behavour of angled reflectors are strongly dependent on the frequency. With increasing frequency, the echo height from
non-vertically positioned reflectors to the sound beam decreases. This is why each probe is checked by our Quality Control to see if its frequency
coincides with the nominal frequency, according to the identification label, within very narrow tolerances. This is entered into the probe data sheet.
The range of frequencies in the echo pulse whose amplitude, at the most, is 6 dB less than the nominal frequency.
fo = upper, fu = lower frequency limit for a 6 dB drop in the amplitude.
With B = 100%, a 4 MHz probe for example has an fo of 6 MHz and an fu of 2 MHz.
Large bandwidths mean shorter echo pulses, which mean high resolution and a good penetration power, because the lower frequencies of the pulse
become less attenuated than the nominal frequency. At high attenuation, the frequency of reflected signals decreases, compared to the nominal
frequency, as the distance increases. This must be taken into account with flaw evaluation. The bandwidth of each probe is therefore checked and
must, within narrow tolerances, coincide with the mean value of all probes.
F: The distance of a small reflector from the probe producing the highest possible echo. Probes are focused in order to detect small reflectors and
produce a high echo amplitude. Focusing is only possible within the near field of the probe.
The near field length N is the focal distance of the unfocused probe which constitutes the sound pressure maximum at the largest distance from the
probe. N is determined by D, c and f.
λ = wave length
c = sound velocity
Deff = effective element diameter
Focal point and near field length are the distances with the best sound concentration and reflector recognition. Therefore when a probe is selected
for a critical test, the flaw expectancy range must be in the focal area or near field length. The data in the tables refer to steel with the exception of
immersion testing in water.
Practical measure for the far resolution of a probe. EB is the width of a backwall echo with a screen height of 80 %, at a near field length or focus,
read off at a screen height of 20 %.
Detectability of a flat bottom hole (FBB) or cylindrical bore hole (ZYB) with specified diameter (... Ø) under the surface (in ... mm). With the
immersion technique, the surface of the test object is positioned in the near field length or in the focal point.
For example FBB0.4Ø in 1.0 means, that a flat bottom hole of 0.4 mm diameter is resolved at a depth of 1 mm.
The shape of the probe sound field for a 6 dB drop of echo height. The corresponding numbers in the tables relate to the forms shown in the pages
37 to 39.
Possible gain increase from a backwall echo within the near field up to the noise generated in the system instrument/probe. The higher the gain
reserve, the greater the sound penetration depth, and the smaller the reflectors detectable.